Freedom Valley,
This Sunday is a big day for us. It is our final weekend to sign up for Connection Groups. These groups begin next week and run weekly for 12 weeks. You can see a complete listing of the open groups right here.
Sunday is also the final day of our "Home Improvement" initiative. You can still pick up your envelopes at church and give your gift to the Home Improvement project. You can drop it in the offering on Sunday, give online now . . . OR . . .
You can bring it to our All Church Celebration Sunday evening at 6pm. It's a Mexican fiesta! Obviously, the theme is Mexican, so bring your favorite Mexican main or side dish. And bring the whole family out to this fun celebration at the church. There will be plenty of food, fun for the kids (that's code for inflatable slide) and we will count up how much money we raised together and celebrate the improvements we can make to our building to make it more guest-friendly and safer for our kids. This is one night you don't want to miss!
I can't wait to see you again this Sunday!
This Sunday is a big day for us. It is our final weekend to sign up for Connection Groups. These groups begin next week and run weekly for 12 weeks. You can see a complete listing of the open groups right here.
Sunday is also the final day of our "Home Improvement" initiative. You can still pick up your envelopes at church and give your gift to the Home Improvement project. You can drop it in the offering on Sunday, give online now . . . OR . . .
You can bring it to our All Church Celebration Sunday evening at 6pm. It's a Mexican fiesta! Obviously, the theme is Mexican, so bring your favorite Mexican main or side dish. And bring the whole family out to this fun celebration at the church. There will be plenty of food, fun for the kids (that's code for inflatable slide) and we will count up how much money we raised together and celebrate the improvements we can make to our building to make it more guest-friendly and safer for our kids. This is one night you don't want to miss!
I can't wait to see you again this Sunday!