Thursday, September 22, 2011

The BIG 2 @ Freedom Valley

There are two huge initiatives underway at Freedom Valley right now.  You can get involved in both this Sunday and both end the following Sunday, October 2.  Here are the details . . .

Home Improvement - this is our in-house initiative to make our new facility more functional and guest-friendly.  Some improvements include installing doors on our main auditorium, a welcome center in the lobby, video monitors in all common spaces and windows installed in all classroom and office doors for absolute accountability and safety.  We are  believing that we can, together, raise $5000 by October 2 and YOU can easily be involved.  There are envelopes all along the back wall of our main auditorium.  These are numbered 1-125.  Many are already gone, but you can still grab one and give a financial gift equal to or greater than the amount printed on the outside.  Be sure and grab your envelope(s) this Sunday or give online right here if you can't make it this Sunday.

Connection Groups - these are semester-based groups designed specifically for you to build new friendships and pick up new life skills. This semester we are offering six distinctive groups that will run for 12 weeks beginning the first week of October.  Be sure and sign up for the group(s) of your choice this Sunday at church.  A complete listing of groups and their description can be found here.

Also, I am so looking forward to be continuing our "Priorities" series this week as I give you a sneak peek at a 
life-changing tool you can use to set your financial priorities.

See you Sunday!

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