Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do you love your job?

Do you love your job?  Are you working in the areas of your greatest strengths?

Most people work a job that "pays the bills".  That's unfortunate for two reasons:

1.  If you work a job like this, it will suck the life from you.  Especially as time goes by.
2.  If you work primarily in your greatest strengths, you'll make more money.  

Think about it.  Will you perform better, over time, in something that you love or something that you can adequately complete on time?

Your strengths are not necessarily the things you can competently complete.  Your strengths are the things that add energy and vitality to you on a deep-down level.  

Example:  I was the pastor of a church for about two years.  I preached almost every Sunday.  People gave me regular feedback that I was a good communicator and they were seeing positive life change from what I was saying.  One problem.  Consistently preparing and delivering messages to church was one of the most draining and demoralizing things I've ever done.  One more problem.  All that time and energy I spent doing that kept me from doing what is one of my true strengths.  That is spending time with individuals and small groups to help them discover how they are wired and help them set goals to take new paths and reach new levels in life.

So, do you love your job?  Are you working in the areas of your greatest strengths?  Do you know what your strengths are?

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