Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Strangest Things Are Significant

The strangest things are significant.  God uses the most unlikely things and people to influence us.  I would go so far, in this case, as to say save us.  I saw this trailer this morning and it almost made me tear up.

I was just the right age.  I loved just the right kind of music.  I needed to know that other people, just like me, were living the same life and thinking the same thoughts I was.  It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that the influence Tooth and Nail Records and it's bands had on me in the mid 1990s saved me from slipping back into the addictive and destructive lifestyle I had just come out of a year before.  1994-1996 were almost magical years or re-birth for me.  Tooth and Nail wrote the soundtrack for that chapter in my life.  I feel such a deep sense of gratitude for that.

Take some time today and think of who or what influenced you way back in the day . . .

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