Thursday, September 13, 2012

Giving up to move forward

"When you say yes to one thing, you always say no to another", I've heard it said.  Or, "You can't do everything you want to do, but you can do anything you want to do."  I believe they are both true.  But, it's easier to quote the quote than to actually walk the walk.  Isn't this always the case?

I've been serving a CityChurch for a short time, but already have given up some things I love very much in order to move forward in some things I love even more.  In the last month, I've given up a Tuesday morning men's community group, my involvement in the worship band and my involvement on setup and teardown team on Sunday mornings.  If I want to go back even further, just before all this I gave up the lead pastor role at Freedom Valley Church - a church I was the lead person in planting!  You can see why, here.

Now, before you jump to conclusions, and label me a quitter.  Let me tell you why I quit all this stuff.  I quit Tuesday mornings because my family needs me at home on Tuesdays to help get everyone out the door by 7:30am for school.  I quit the band because I need that Tuesday night that practice would fill to connect with Community Group leaders (a ministry I'm leading now).  I quit setup & teardown because I'm working six days a week and Sunday is the only morning I get a little time with the family without rushing around and out the door.

All these decisions were about creating margin for me to do the things I believe are most important.  So, my question for you.  What do you need to say "no" to today in order to say "yes" to something even more important?

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