Monday, July 9, 2012

Life Plan Retreat This Week!

Tomorrow evening (Tuesday) I will leave for a 24-hour Life Planning Retreat with Brad Sprague from Summit Trek Executive Coaching.  This is an intensive time for developing a total life strategy. The goal is to help clarify my life messages, life lessons, and roadblocks to growth, and develop a plan to take my personal, professional and spiritual life to the next level.

I'm praying that God will uncover every little thing that He's ready for me to see and act on at this point in my life.  I would deeply appreciate your prayers as I seek His plan for my life out on this retreat. 

I will leave Tulsa Tuesday afternoon and return Wednesday evening.  I'll be sure to update you with some of what I learn and will be working toward after the retreat is over.  Thanks for your prayers and friendship.

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