Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My prayers for the week

Some prayers you can pray with me this week:
  • Move-in funding - As most of you know, Freedom Valley needs to come up with about $20,000 in the next couple months to adequately outfit our new building for ministry. A family gave $1000 for it so far, so we're down to $19,000. God is so much bigger than that, so I'm believing that everyone in our church would respond strongly and we raise more than we need. If God is leading you to give toward that right now, you can do it here.
  • Dollars connect hearts - The most important thing that could happen from people in our church giving toward that move in project is that their hearts follow their dollars. I'm asking God to use this as a time for some new hearts to connect to the vision and mission of our church through their giving.
  • Transition plan - I'm asking God for a plan and circumstance to be able to transition out of my job at the hospital and back into full-time ministry.
  • Key leaders - Our church leadership team is awesome! But, we are missing some key people in key positions right now and I'm asking God to bring more leaders to our team through the summer.
Thanks for praying with me this week. Again, I would love to pray with you too. Just let me know what's going on with you.


Addison Roberts said...

Jason. I am praying with you concerning these things. I love hearing about your church. It always excites me a lot.

Jason Fitch said...

Thanks man! I appreciate the prayers and I appreciate you.