Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in review (a very short review)

2009 has been such a strange and profound year for me. I started off with all kinds of goals and aspirations. Some of them I reached, some of them I abandoned.

Obviously, the most unexpected element of 2009 was God's leading for us to start a church in and move to Tulsa. As I write in the darkness of my living room in Tulsa, I can hardly believe all that's happened this year. If I could boil it all down into one thought, it's this.

God talks to and uses people who are growing and pulling close to Him.

All my goals and aspirations for 09 were about me being a more healthy, growing, Godly man. Even though I didn't reach every goal, God met me in ways I never dreamed of.

My goal for 2010. Pull yet closer to Jesus. My seat belt is fastened.

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