Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ordination service tonight

Well, we're on the road to Sarver, PA for the Penn-Del district ordination service. Usually, this would not appeal to me. Those services usually strike me as pretty dry, but tonight I'm in the class being ordained. Funny how that makes the same service more appealing.

I know that many young (and unnecessarily bitter) ministers in our fellowship poke fun at the ordination level of credential, saying it's just another way for the district to get more money from you in dues.

But, I don't see it that way. I'm believing that God will place a new level of anointing and influence on me tonight as I go through this rite. I'm glad I finally got over my fear of the testing and interview process. God is really wonderful and patient.


Josh Ploch said...

Congrats Jason.

Gerry Stoltzfoos said...

I agree with you J. God will honor your desire to receive...

Hubbell said...

Congrats, Jason. This is a special night for you. Wish I could be there to share it.

Charity said...

Congratulations J!