Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It's feeling like Fall outside and that just adds some extra energy to me. I love this time of year more than any other, and now that Jude's in a pretty regular sleeping pattern - he was up at 4:50am this morning, but he eats fast and is back to sleep in about 20 minutes - I feel like a nice season of focus and growth is underway in my life.

I started a "family meeting" with Sara last night where we just talk about dates, goals, ideas, etc . . . concerning our family. I absolutely loved it. She endured it for my sake as it too closely resembled a staff meeting at work for her tastes, but I love her so much for putting up with my strange style of approaching things. The bottom line for me is that I need to find new and more definitive ways to lead in my own home and this is an attempt of mine.

God is teaching me something new about leadership lately . . . that I know next to nothing. Yes, almost 1 decade into it, I find that most of my trial and error has been error. But I feel fine about that, because I can feel God leading me into a season where I learn some much more profound and lasting leadership principles than I ever have before. I'm just excited for what God has next for me as a husband, father, pastor and leader in general.

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