Thursday, September 25, 2008

strong sites

I spent the evening at our South Hanover church site last night. It wasn't surprising, but I still felt a warm feeling in my heart at all the great ministry to people that was going on down there. Our new youth pastors, Daniel and Dee Scotton are fantastic. It was a real pleasure to see them in action. The kids ministry was great too. I brought my 3 older boys and they had a blast. They could not tell me what the lesson was about, but this is very normal, and I'm confident it's not because the teachers did not deliver a fine lesson. Besides those, there were two adult classes going on under the leadership of Pastors Marv and Jeff. There was just good life there.

I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with my role as a coach offering encouragement and oversight to the leaders on my teams; even at branch sites. I'm reading a great book right now by Pat Lencioni called "The 5 temptations of a CEO". Yeah, I'm no CEO, but the leadership principles are exactly the same. God's really convicting me lately about how poorly I've held people on my team accountable. Not only that, but I think I'm learning a healthy way to do it . . . at least I'm stumbling through some new attempts.

I had an awesome day with my boys yesterday. I love those guys so much. My wife's not too shabby either. I'm so blessed and I feel like the luckiest man in the world. What a family!

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