Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the beach in January?

It sounds funny, but we're leaving today for a few days in Ocean City, MD for a series of church leadership meetings. I've gone back and forth about this; some days dreading the intensity of days on the road with the boys and others feeling very excited about it all. I've decided to go with great anticipation.

I'm well into a new book entitled "How to be a hero to your kids". It's really helping me to examine myself and take inventory of how selfish I am and how much more of a dad my boys need me to be. I thank God so much for my family. I am such a blessed man.

I'm believing that God will help facilitate a few things this week . . .
  1. A really fun family time in Ocean City with minimal stress and maximum enjoyment of each other.
  2. Some new vision for where I fit into God's plan at our church.
  3. Relationships with some of my co-workers to reach a higher level.
I believe we're entering a season where ministry is going to be fun again. If you know what I mean that's fine, if you don't, just skip it. It would take too long to explain in writing, but just know it's a good thing.

I'm a blessed man and it seems that God has not even begun. Thank the Lord!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I need God's help!

I've been really angry with my kids the last few days and I cannot put my finger on why. I've been short, rude and downright mean to them. I'd so appreciate any prayer you could say for me today. I desperately want to be a good dad to my boys . . . sometimes I feel like I just don't have it in me. I need more of God in me.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Deadly Vipers

I'm reading this great new book called "Deadly Viper Character Assassins" by Jud Wilhite and Mike Foster. It chronicles 7 "assassins" who are gunning for us as leaders. This morning I read about the assassin of amped emotions. I was thinking, judging by the title of the chapter, that it was going to talk about how leaders make rash decision based on emotional excitement and all that stuff.

But the chapter opened with one of the authors retelling a story of when he just lost his cool at his 5-year-old daughter and punched hole in the wall. At the end of the episode, he was left asking himself, "Is this who I'm becoming?"

Well, that just about brought me to tears and I felt a sick feeling in my gut. You see, my knuckles are just beginning to heal from my sparring session with the kitchen wall a couple weeks ago. I'm asking myself the same question, "Is this who I'm becoming?" I'm also answering my question. "NO!"

2008 is not just a new year, it's a new start for me. 2007 was great and made great strides, but I also let some character assassins creep into my life last year as well. This year they are getting the smack down and I am determined to be a man who reflects God's heart much more than I ever have before.

I've copied my goals for 2008 below (it's an unfinished list - still in progress) for you to join me in prayer on them.

Goals for 2008

  • Spiritual

    • Build on my progress this year by . . .

      • Studying and understanding Revelation and SOS

      • Go on 2 personal prayer and meditation retreats (at least 6 hours)

      • Read at least 6 books this year that contribute to my spiritual growth

  • Family

    • Have another baby – scheduled for July 23!

    • Begin a regular schedule of a “date a month” with Sara and the kids

      • Sara and I alone

      • Kids can be in a group or alone – it can vary

  • Financial

    • Set up starter emergency fund ($1000)

    • pay off all debt, excluding the house

    • 3 months of expenses in an emergency fund

    • switch both IRAs to Roth

    • Set up a legal will

  • Physical

    • Increase my strength

      • Bench Press

        • 300lb by May 23

        • 315lb by Dec 15

      • Leg Press

        • 450lb by May 23

        • 500lb by Dec 15

    • Increase my cardiovascular fitness

      • Triathlon” time - 26 minutes by May 23

    • Lose the “spare tire” by May 23

    • Eating

      • make eating at night the exception rather than the rule

      • decide ahead of time to order what I should eat, not what I want to eat, at restaurants

  • Work

    • Be in a complete oversight and coaching role for all 3 facets of SM

    • Begin one new ministry or facet of ministry

    • Add 3 new significant team members this year (leaders of leaders, not just helpers to me)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A new year

I rang in the new year last night in a new way. I was alone in my living room (everyone else was long since asleep) and I was working on e-mail and some new personal growth and goal stuff for 08 kind of watching Fox's New Year's Eve show. That was all the same, but when it got to be a couple minutes from midnight I turned off the TV and put the computer away and got on my knees in the living room and committed this year to the Lord.

I know that sounds like a "duh" kind of thing for someone who is really serious about serving God, but I've never done that before and I am just excited about 2008.

As I reflect on 2007, I would call it a good year, even a great one. But I just have a feeling of anticipation for 2008 that's building in me like crazy. I love that God's mercies are new every morning and ever year. This is a year to build on the past and of new beginnings all around.