Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the beach in January?

It sounds funny, but we're leaving today for a few days in Ocean City, MD for a series of church leadership meetings. I've gone back and forth about this; some days dreading the intensity of days on the road with the boys and others feeling very excited about it all. I've decided to go with great anticipation.

I'm well into a new book entitled "How to be a hero to your kids". It's really helping me to examine myself and take inventory of how selfish I am and how much more of a dad my boys need me to be. I thank God so much for my family. I am such a blessed man.

I'm believing that God will help facilitate a few things this week . . .
  1. A really fun family time in Ocean City with minimal stress and maximum enjoyment of each other.
  2. Some new vision for where I fit into God's plan at our church.
  3. Relationships with some of my co-workers to reach a higher level.
I believe we're entering a season where ministry is going to be fun again. If you know what I mean that's fine, if you don't, just skip it. It would take too long to explain in writing, but just know it's a good thing.

I'm a blessed man and it seems that God has not even begun. Thank the Lord!

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