Friday, April 29, 2016

People I Highly Respect

There is a group of people I have a growing respect for and I want to be like.  Here they are . . .
  • Canceled their cable or gotten rid of their TV . . . but don't pressure you to do it too.
  • Deactivated their facebook account . . . but don't don't pressure you to do it too.
  • Pushed through a Dip in their life . . . but don't presume you're in the same Dip.
  • Send their kids to Christian school . . . but don't pressure you to do it too.
  • Send their kids to public school . . . but don't pressure you to do it too.
  • Never touch a drop of alcohol . . . but don't pressure you to follow suit.
  • Never watch an "R" rated movie . . . but don't pressure you to do the same.
  • Love Bernie Sanders . . . but don't pressure you to do the same.
  • Think Trump is evil . . . but don't assume you're also evil if you vote for him.
You see the pattern?  With the continuing explosion of social media, it seems that everyone is free to share their story - for free.  I'm glad about that.  It's a good thing.  But, as we share our stories, let's resist the temptation to take the things God is speaking to us and make those things a universal principle everyone else must follow.  Hey, I struggle with this as much as the next guy - probably more.  That's probably why I notice it so much.  But, let's all allow God be as creative with others as He's been with us.  Enjoy where you are and don't worry so much about others.

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