Monday, May 21, 2012

still looking for oppoortunities

Hope you're coming off of a great weekend!  Last week I gave and overview of what I'm praying for and where some possibilities lie in my calling and opportunities. (See post just below - "abilities and opportunities") I am just asking for you to continue praying with me that my unique abilities would intersect with some divine opportunities.  I'm feeling healthier and more energized than I've felt in a couple years and I'm just looking for the right fit.

In the meantime, I'm still mowing lawns, but those hours are not increasing so that is even leaving us a little short.  I know God will provide and I'm asking Him for some things to begin to fall into place this week.  One other thing this week.  Back in February, I visited the ER for a kidney stone.  I was expecting that bill to be hundreds.  Well we received it recently, and it's thousands not hundreds.  I'm sending in a application for financial aid to the hospital this week.  Can you pray that God gives my application favor?  Thanks for your prayers.  As always, I would love to pray for you too.  Let me know what's going on with you.

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