Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Preparing now for a big 2012

Wow, some great things happened last week.  Our outreach, friends day and child dedication all went fantastic!  Thank you for your prayers!  

Some areas I'm focusing my prayers this week:
  • Fasting Plan - I'm spending some time this week seeking God's direction on a personal fasting plan.  I'm leading our staff in a fast beginning at the end of this month and we will lead our church into a church-wide fast shortly after the first of the year.  But I think God is wanting to teach me some things about fasting, discipline and faith on my own before any of that.  I don't have a good track record with fasting and I'm looking to follow God's plan and follow through with what I think He's leading me toward.
  • Increase in finances - October was a tough month financially.  Our tithes were just low.  We closed October about $2000 short of budget. However God wants to do it, I'm asking Him to meet all our needs.  I'm confident He will and I'm asking you to pray that prayer with me.
  • Key leaders needed - I'm asking God right now to bring some key leaders to our kids and youth ministry teams.  We have great people in place right now, but some of them are hoping to serve elsewhere in the future and I think God wants to promote some people to those places of leadership.  I also have a sense that 2012 is going to be a year of big growth in our church that is lead by our kids and youth ministries.  I feel like our prayers now are positioning the right people in the right places for that. 
Thank you so much for all your prayers!  They are making such a difference!  Let me know how I can pray for you this week too.

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