Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Prayers for the week. What are yours?

I want to thank you so much for all your prayers!  I appreciate you very deeply.  

I also want to celebrate with you some this week!  We had like 20 first-time guests (couple of them were second-time) at church this week!  God seems to be really setting us up for some growth!  Some places I'm focusing my prayers this week:
  • New Discipleship Plan - God has brought an excellent young couple to our church who have offered to help implement a very cool one-on-one discipleship plan for our new believers and people accepting Christ in our services.  This is hardly a prayer request - more of a celebration - but I am praying that the training and implementation process goes quickly and goes well.  I feel like this fills a huge hole in our ministry and could very well be a game-changer for us and for a lot of people. 
  • Finances - Can you continue to believe with me that God will bring an increase to our finances at church.  We are making it, but we are running a very lean week-to-week budget.  I'm asking God for more than enough - enough to expand what we do and be more of a blessing!
  • Key Ministry Leaders - Still praying for a key children's leader and a key youth leader to be identified and get started tearing things up at our church.  Thanks for continuing to join me in those prayers.  Maybe you are interested.  If you are, let me know.

Love you guys and I love praying for you.  Let me know how I can pray for you this week!

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