Monday, October 10, 2011

My house is falling apart! No, I'm serious :)

It's pretty exciting that I'm writing this at 10:30 am from my office, not 4:30 am from my living room or from the break room at St. Francis Hospital.  Friday was my last day working there, so I'm back to focusing my first and best thoughts on this wonderful church God has asked me to lead.  Here are some challenges I'm praying about this week:
  • My house - I've asked for prayer before about the foundation of my house.  Well, lately, it's gotten worse.  The cracks on the outside of the house are bigger, the cracks on the inside are bigger and more numerous.  We've had a couple exterior doors on our garage that have shifted and are not usable, but for the first time, this week, an interior door frame has begun to move out of shape.  I'm trying not to worry, but we just feel like our house is falling apart.  And I'll just be honest, it's really frustrating to me that we would have easily had the money saved in an emergency fund to pay for this repair (long ago - even before it got worse) had I not given up so much pay this year.  I'm trying not to be worried or frustrated, so those would be great prayers, but more than anything, I'm asking God to make a way to get this thing fixed.
  • My church - The last four weeks of church attendance have been on the low side.  I'm just believing that God is going to bring a big return on all the people who I know our people has been inviting to come with them on Sundays.  I'm also asking God to show me anything we may need to change to help get out of the way of some growth in our church.
  • My priorities - I begin a new chapter of full-time pastoring today.  The last time I did this, I think I made a pretty big mistake.  I spent a lot of time on stuff that was good stuff, but not directly related to the church God has called me to lead.  I think the day will come for all that other stuff, but for now, I'm asking God to help me prioritize my time better than I ever have.  I want to do the very best leading this church that I possibly can.
Thanks so much for your prayers.  How can I pray for you this week?


Tim and Lisa said...

We are praying with you Jason; for peace to replace worry and calm to replace frustration. Remember to keep that mustard seed of faith,
we love you guys !
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Jason Fitch said...

Thank you guys! I appreciate your prayers so much. Miss you