Monday, October 3, 2011

Connection Groups start this week!

Just a quick reminder that connection groups begin this week @ Freedom Valley!  Our sign up period closed up yesterday, but you can still get involved.  Even if you didn't get signed up yet, you can still show up to any group you'd like this week - even Financial Peace.  That particular one does require registration, but you can still register during the first week of the group.  I hope you can find a group that fits your schedule.  The relationships and the growth you'll find will benefit you immensely.  A full listing of the groups are below.  If you have questions or need a location for the off campus groups, please email Josh Ploch at

Off Campus Groups:

Maximized Manhood – Leader: Derek Engle / Tuesdays 7pm

For Ladies Only – Leader: Kate Hylla / Tuesdays 8pm

On Campus Groups: (Wednesdays @ 6:30pm at the church)

Financial Peace University (DVD driven) – Leader: Jason Fitch / the road map to personal control, financial security, a new family dynamic, and lifetime peace.

Starting Point – Leader: Josh Ploch / an in-depth study of the core values of Freedom Valley, and how you can apply biblical principles in your everyday life.

Blueprint – Leader: David Cordle / students 6th grade and up meet to share your love for God with others and learn more about how the Bible applies to our lives.

Kids Game Night! – Leader: Sara Fitch / This high energy night of fun is for kids in K-5th grade! It’s a great opportunity for your kids to build relationships with peers, work on teams, and gain confidence in who God made them to be. Please make sure to send your child in tennis shoes.

*childcare for kids birth – 5yrs old is also provided on Wed nights*

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