Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Open house and painting this Wednesday

Hey Freedom Valley,

Just wanted to make sure you all knew that we will have our new facility open for you to check out and help paint if you should desire :)

It will be open this Wed, July 13 from 5-9pm. You can can come check it out anytime through the evening. We will also be painting in the main auditorium and would love the help if you are able to pitch in.

There will be childcare on site, so feel free to bring the kids out too.

The address of the new building is 12330 E. 60th St (Suite E) Tulsa OK 74146 and is easy to find via google maps or your gps.

I hope a bunch of you can come out and see your new church facility and even help get it painted. See you tomorrow.


Phebe Duncan said...

We will see you there!

Jason Fitch said...

Looking forward to seeing you guys!