Monday, March 21, 2011

will you pray with me this week?

Here are a few things you can pray with me on this week:
  • Wisdom in job hunting. While I think it can be a step of faith to just believe God will supply all my family's needs while I continue to work exclusively on the church, I don't feel like that's the right move for me at this point. I am looking for a job. One challenge is that I need one that is part-time and temporary. Please pray with me that I have wisdom and God's favor as I search for the right fit.
  • Health. I'm struggling with a fair amount of pain in my back right now. I'm still believing God will completely heal me.
  • Favor on our church through this Spring. Spring is a natural time for churches to grow and I'm asking God to bless us with very healthy growth over the next couple months.
  • Better time management skills. I'm a good time manager. But I need to get better to still lead our church effectively and work an outside job. (the fact that God is sovereign and can and will do all the things I can't do is not lost on me, either)
  • Perseverance. I'm definitely in a season of testing. I certainly will make it and come out stronger. Please pray with me that I persevere through every challenge. I can feel myself growing day by day and I want to stay on this positive track.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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