Monday, February 21, 2011

what I'm praying about this week

This is a copy of my weekly email to my prayer partners (email me at if would like to get these weekly emails and will pray with me about them) . . .

Thank you for your commitment to join with me in prayer! It really means a lot to me. Here are the places I'd love to have you pray with me this week:
  • I'm away from my family this week - I am serving as a coach at an Assemblies of God "Church Planters Boot Camp" this week at North Church in OKC. This is a five-day training event for people and teams who are moving toward opening new churches in the future. I am really happy to serve here, but I hate being away from my family. Additionally, I'm in a hotel all week by myself. I certainly don't plan to misbehave this week, but I recognize that I'm human and hotel rooms have been the downfall of many good men and women. Please pray that I will be focused on Jesus all week. Also, pray for my wife and boys this week, please.
  • Connections - I am believing that I will make some good connections with key people this week when I'm here in OKC. I'm talking about people I can work with to open more churches in the near future. Please pray with me for that to happen.
  • Money - Please continue to pray with me that our church finances pick up significantly. I am praying the following for 2011: (1) our weekly income to come up to $3000/week. This will allow us to make our current payroll and add some part-time staff. (2) Large cash gifts of $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000. These will allow us to be completely debt free and then some. That allows us to begin diverting all our missions money (currently 16% of our income) toward starting new churches directly.
  • Leaders - We have many wonderful people serving on our various ministry teams. I'm asking God to begin to build up and distinguish a few of those people as high-level leaders who will serve as "architects" of future vision and plans at Freedom Valley
Again, please feel free to ask for any details or clarification you may need to pray more effectively.

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