Sunday, October 3, 2010

too much to tweet about

Today was great. We had a fantastic team from Gettysburg Masters Commission with us and they were so wonderful. They, and some of our team here, got about 1500 door hangers put on local homes on Saturday. Today was week 4 of Freedom Valley Church in Tulsa. There were 87 people in attendance, 4 began a new relationship with Jesus, and we baptized 4 others in water this afternoon at our All Church BBQ. It was really a great time. I got to know some great new people I had only casually met at church before.

I have that all spent for the sake of building God's Kingdom kind of hung over feeling right now. I don't mind that a bit. God was very generous with us today. I feel so grateful.


Miranda Kaye said...

Hey Jason, this is Miranda. We had a great time at the BBQ (your house is beautiful by the way) looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Jason Fitch said...

Hey Miranda! So glad you could come over for the BBQ and last Sunday too. Looking forward to seeing you and Kalon much more!