Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in review (a very short review)

2009 has been such a strange and profound year for me. I started off with all kinds of goals and aspirations. Some of them I reached, some of them I abandoned.

Obviously, the most unexpected element of 2009 was God's leading for us to start a church in and move to Tulsa. As I write in the darkness of my living room in Tulsa, I can hardly believe all that's happened this year. If I could boil it all down into one thought, it's this.

God talks to and uses people who are growing and pulling close to Him.

All my goals and aspirations for 09 were about me being a more healthy, growing, Godly man. Even though I didn't reach every goal, God met me in ways I never dreamed of.

My goal for 2010. Pull yet closer to Jesus. My seat belt is fastened.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Primal" book review

I just finished Mark Batterson's latest book, Primal. Man, every book the guy writes is better than the one before. In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day urged me to stay in ministry during some dark times, Wild Goose Chase inspired me to step into the world of church-planting and now Primal has dared me get to know my Creator on a level I've not yet known.

This book talks about the heart, the soul, the mind and the strength of Christianity. It is an absolute challenge. But it's not a challenge to do, which is what I normally respond to, but a challenge to be. To be a person who dares to journey deep into what it is to be a Christian. To be a person who knows God on a level that most of us don't even realize exists.

I'm a "doer". I guess I'm wired for action. So when one of my college professors proclaimed in a Theology class one day that the ultimate end for mankind is simply to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, it was easy for me to roll my eyes and wait for the class to be over. I think I'm starting to get it. And this book is helping me so much.

I'll end with a short passage from Primal. "Which do you love more: your dream or God? Do you love God for what He can do for you? Or do you love Him for who He is? In its purest, most primal form, loving God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength is loving God for God. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else." p. 165

I hope my local bookstore has a copy. I have one person in mind whom I want to get a copy to for Christmas. Beyond that, I'm asking my entire leadership team to read this book and I feel a real pull toward this as the teaching series as our church opens next Fall. Bottom line: buy this book. Read it. Devour it. Pass it on. Repeat.

a changing of the guard?

In the last month, the city of Tulsa has seen two pillars of Christian leadership give up their lives on earth and take hold of their lives in Heaven. One month ago today Billy Joe Daugherty died and one week ago today Granville Oral Roberts died.

I had the privilege of attending the memorial service for Oral Roberts yesterday. It was a very cool service. Without a doubt, a celebration of his life and how God used him during those ninety-one years. As I sat there among thousands, I had a very profound and sobering realization that, in some small way, the mantle of Oral and Pastor Billy Joe was being passed to me.

Hey, please don't get me wrong, I'm no Oral Roberts or Billy Joe Daugherty. When I say the mantle is being passed, I mean to me and many other Christian leaders. How much of that will rest on me? I think that depends entirely on how closely I follow the Holy Spirit.

Oral's daughter, Roberta, said yesterday at the service, "The only thing my dad feared was that he may not listen to God." I would say I'm in that boat today. God has called me to do so much in this puny life. The only way that could fail is if I don't listen to His voice leading me.

Thank you Billy Joe Daugherty and Oral Roberts. You have done immeasurable work for God's Kingdom in Tulsa and around the world. I feel honored to carry on your work, however small that part may be.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I love my Eth

I love this boy!

the Tulsa theaters

I toured 2 theaters today . . . Cinemark at Tulsa and Cinemark 8. The first Cinemark was beautiful, then second was not. The problem with both is lack of good kids ministry space. Cinemark at Tulsa is a slim possibility, but I doubt it will work because of the shortage of kids ministry space. It's a great looking place. Some pictures for you to enjoy :)

Jason Fitch - Lead Pastor