Thursday, February 19, 2009

so grateful

I was at Perkins restaurant this morning with our youth pastor and my good friend, Daniel St. Armand, and the elderly couple across the dining room begin to get louder and louder. It got so loud that we could not even focus on our conversation anymore. Finally, the woman is yelling at her husband, "Are you going to pass out? If you fall I can't help you. I don't know what to do!". What a chance to help someone in need. So, surprisingly to me, I went over and asked what I could do to help.

Back up 20 minutes. Walking into Perkins this morning, I did not plan on taking a senile man to the toilet, cleaning out his pants that he had filled with diarrhea, wiping his butt and then dressing him again. I doubt that's the plan any of us have when we're on our way to breakfast.

But he wasn't just a senile man. He's a precious man named Jim who served our country in war and has probably done 1000 noble deeds he'll never remember. He's a precious man that Jesus loves as much as He loves you and I. He's someone's son, someone's father, someone's husband. In short, he matters. He matters to God and he matters to me.

Sure, I'm sitting in my office in a t-shirt right now because the sweater I had on is a bit contaminated. Sure I've scrubbed like a surgeon a few times this morning and feel like I could still use more. Sometimes showing the love of Christ is dirty and smelly and I'm getting ok with that.

The thing that surprises me the most is that I'm writing this about me. This was not some other good Samaritan in the restaurant helping. It was me. And as I think about Jim and pray for him today, I feel tears close bye. I know that Jesus can change even the hardest of hearts. Because He certainly has changed mine over the years.

Be encouraged today. It's not all about our churches or our programs. It's about each, individual follower of Christ acting like Christ in practical ways with our fellow man. I feel so grateful that Christ never gave up on me. So grateful.


Drim said...

WOW... what a day... That really inspired me J to really think about the things that go on around me, and how to help. I mean, how often do we sit there and instead of asking how we can help, we just sit there and wish they would just shut up and leave us alone? When really, we need to be going over and asking if we can help, even if it means getting a little smelling and dirty... It really gives me something to think about...

lu said...

jason that blessed my heart in a series of ways. thank you for showing me Jesus, even when i was not there.

Evan said...

Jason, seriously, this is one of the best things I've read in quite some time. You're seriously awesome.

Alisa Rife said...

wow. Absolutely incredible, and encouraging. "One random act of kindness at a time". Thank you J, for being not only an inspiration, but an example. What if we all showed God's love everyday?

Shawna said...

you're the coolest.

Big Woman said...

I am so grateful . . . for the privilege of being your mother. The tears have just stopped flowing. Thank you, son.