Thursday, January 8, 2009


Today is a day of meetings. I'll be working out with the MC guys, then a meeting with Daniel on leadership, then youth staff to talk about where they are tracking in 09, next on to a meeting with some area pastors to talk cluster planting and finally, the Harvest Cry team will be meeting. Every time I hear young leaders talk (quite naively, I think) about what a waste of time meetings are, I wince because the poor guys just don't get it. Of course some are a waste of time, but at some point you become the person running the meetings and then it's your responsibility to make sure they are worth everyone's time and that they are productive. If you would have told me five years ago that my meeting schedule would even closely resemble this, I would have laughed. But, I'd have it no other way. Today will be a highly productive day because I'm meeting with the right people about the right things. I'm happy to embrace the role God has given me at this time and place and that role just happens to filled with meetings.

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