Sunday, June 29, 2008


It's been a long time since I've written anything here. It's been quite a month. As I reflect on the week of healing and life change and the week we lost Jocelyn Rife (same week), I can hardly believe I made it through. The last few days have been better - more normal. I've gotten some really wonderful time with my boys and wife and that is the most special thing of all for me.

I was reading in Judges 11 this morning about a Judge named Jepthah. He's the one who sacrificed his daughter to the Lord. I always hear people talk about Abraham's "almost" sacrifice of his son, but never about Jepthah's actual sacrifice of his daughter. I wonder why? Maybe because, like me, nobody can make sense of the story. If you can, leave me a comment. I'd love to understand it.

Please pray for Sara and Jude. He's coming in just a few weeks. We're nearly ready and I can't wait to meet my newest little man.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my brother

I'm in the middle of a visit with my brother, Abel. He flew in from Phoenix last night and we spent some time together last night and this morning. We're also having dinner tonight. It's been really enjoyable. I thank God for the healing that has happened and is continuing in my relationship with Abel.

By the way, if ever get to eat at a restaurant called PF Chang's, jump at the chance. It's fantastic!

Monday, June 2, 2008

It is finished (almost)

The last week has been a blur. In one week we (my father-in-law, sister-in-law, Sara, my dad and I) put a new floor in about half of our house, gutted the kitchen and replaced the cabinets, and completely remodeled the bathroom. I also went to work on an almost normal schedule and we had 4 kids under 5 years old in the house. This project was not for the faint of heart. It was tiring and frustrating, but now that it's finished (almost) a new sense of peace is settling on our home.

It's been some time since I've been on my regular schedule of early rising and spending some quite time with God and His Word, but today I'm back to that and He's reminding me right now that many seasons and issues in life and like my little home improvement project. They feel like the ultimate challenge in the midst of them, but as quickly as they began they are over and the peace that follows a job well done is like no other.

I love God and the things that he teaches me on these quiet mornings together. If you have a few minutes, leave me a comment talking about what God is teaching you lately.