Monday, May 21, 2012

still looking for oppoortunities

Hope you're coming off of a great weekend!  Last week I gave and overview of what I'm praying for and where some possibilities lie in my calling and opportunities. (See post just below - "abilities and opportunities") I am just asking for you to continue praying with me that my unique abilities would intersect with some divine opportunities.  I'm feeling healthier and more energized than I've felt in a couple years and I'm just looking for the right fit.

In the meantime, I'm still mowing lawns, but those hours are not increasing so that is even leaving us a little short.  I know God will provide and I'm asking Him for some things to begin to fall into place this week.  One other thing this week.  Back in February, I visited the ER for a kidney stone.  I was expecting that bill to be hundreds.  Well we received it recently, and it's thousands not hundreds.  I'm sending in a application for financial aid to the hospital this week.  Can you pray that God gives my application favor?  Thanks for your prayers.  As always, I would love to pray for you too.  Let me know what's going on with you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

abilities & opportunities

As you may know, I'm looking to find my way into some new things that fit better with who I am.  My exact prayer over the last month has been that God would intersect my unique abilities with some divine opportunities. Some avenues I'm exploring right now that may be opportunities:
  • City Church - I'm just beginning to get involved in serving, as a volunteer, at City Church here in Tulsa.  So far, I feel like it is a great fit and there seem to be some future opportunities for me to contribute in ways that fit very well with who I am and what I have to offer.  Pastor Matt and I have talked about it and have agreed together to take a period of a couple months and see how things fit for us before we talk about what the next step might be.
  • Pastors Coaching - I believe there is a real opportunity to help pastors by facilitating local coaching groups and doing some individual coaching.  I am meeting with someone from the OK Assemblies of God District Office next week to discuss this, and hopefully, how the district can use this tool to help the hundreds of pastors in OK whom they serve.  I'm also hoping and praying that a plan develops for me to share some of this with some networks back in PA.  
  • Church Planters Assessment & Coaching - On top of a desire to help pastors of existing churches, I have a huge desire to help church planters and see many healthy churches planted.  I know that God is setting me up to be able to offer a missing piece to most of the current models of church planter assessment and coaching.  I don't know exactly how it will look, but I'm praying and talking with a couple people about how that could look.  I fee like this is huge, but I don't quite have my mind around it yet.  Just praying that God would reveal some more to me.
In the meantime, I'm mowing lawns to make a little bit of money and keep the bills paid.  I'm believing that some of the above stuff will develop and some income will come from whatever develops.  I am thankful for the mowing gig, but don't want to do it forever :)  Thanks so much for your prayers!