Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some prayers YOU can pray with me this week

Lots of cool stuff happening.  I got a report of someone in our church who was healed of diabetes this week!  Praise God!  Besides that, there is plenty of new and exciting stuff happening and I would love to have you pray with me about those things this week.
  • Renovations - God has really shown me and our team how our current church facility is a pretty limiting setup for the kind of growth we're praying for and believing for.  In the short term, we are hoping to remove one whole room which would greatly expand our lobby area and change the whole feel of our building - especially to a guest who walks in for the first time.  We have some very creative and talented people on our team who have a very low-cost plan for this facelift.  We even have most of the money we need to do it.  What I'm praying for is favor with the building owner.  We have asked permission to do our project and submitted a plan to him.  Please pray with me that he comes back with a "yes" and offers a credit on our rent to help with it.  (The credit part is just me praying big prayers - we didn't ask for that :)
  • Blueprint - Tonight, our church youth ministry, Blueprint, will be re-launching, although I would call it a very soft launch.  I will be taking the lead role on this and we have four other adults who are very interested in helping as well.  I'm praying that we can make a great connection with the few teenagers we have in our church and that Blueprint grows.  I'm also praying that God will bring the right person along soon to lead it.  I'm happy to set the tone and lead for now, but that's a short-term plan, I hope.
  • Easter Outreach - God has given us an opportunity, again, to do an Easter Egg Hunt outreach at Jefferson Elementary School.  It's scheduled for March 31.  We have a much better plan for it this year and believe that God will help some families find their way back to church and to Jesus through this.  We think we can pull off the entire even for just about $1000, which we don't have presently.  Our team and I are beginning to pray that God would provide a way for us to pay for that outreach event and do it very excellently.  I would love it if you would pray that prayer with us.  
Thanks so much for praying with me again this week.  I love you guys.  As always, I would love to pray for your too.


Monk-in-Training said...

I will certainly be praying for and with you!

Jason Fitch said...

Thanks James!