In my personal time with God, I'm reading through the book of Hebrews right now. Over the last couple days (chapters 11-12) I've been very challenged with the notion of faith and the various levels of faith. I have a list of things that feel very challenging to me right now . . . church attendance, some leadership issues, cash flow for the church, cash flow for my family . . . the list goes on. But this week, my lone prayer is for God to increase my faith. If He is truly my source for all things good, then placing my faith in Him is the answer to my list of "challenges". I know this sounds over-simplified, but that's just where God has me this week. So, if you pray for me this week, please pray that God blesses me with a greatly increased measure of faith in Him.
One other thing. I have a friend who had surgery last week and that surgery confirmed that they have cancer present in their body. I'm not sure they would want me talking about this to a group of people, so I'm not going to identify them right now, but could you pray for complete physical healing and for this person to be strong and focused mentally. Finding out you have cancer can be both a big deal physically and mentally.
Thank you for your prayers. I am praying that God blesses you with a week of growth this week.
Praying that Faith prayer w/ you Jay.
Thanks Daniel!
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